After two years since the celebration of the IV Congreso Internacional en Contextos Psicológicos, Educativos y de la Salud, from the Association University of Scientific Formation Psychology and Education Research, we believe in the need to continue favoring the meeting of researchers, and thus be able to publicize the results of their research projects and projects, and that the community have access to them, with the particularity, that in this Edition you can participate in the modality ON-LINE/VIRTUAL, avoiding costs inherent to participation in any event of these characteristics.

This fifth edition has been proposed as a space for analysis, the generation of knowledge, and its subsequent transfer to society.

That is why, during the days 21, 22 and 23 November 2018, we celebrated in Madrid, at the Hotel Weare Chamartín, the V Congreso Internacional en Contextos Psicológicos, Educativos y de la Salud .

The thematic areas that we address in this edition are multiple and varied, related to Psychology, Education and Health.

With the desire to be able to greet you in Madrid, receive a cordial greeting.

Dr. José Jesús Gázquez Linares
President of the VCICE
Professor of Evolutionary Psychology and Education
University of Almería

6 books will be published with ISBN and Legal Deposit: - Avances de Investigación en Salud a lo largo del Ciclo Vital. Volume II             - La Convivencia Escolar: Un Acercamiento Multidisciplinar. Volume III             - Intervención en Contextos Clínicos y de la Salud. Volume II             - Investigación en el ámbito escolar: Un acercamiento multidimensional a las variables psicológicas y educativas. Volume III             - Perspectivas y Análisis de la Salud. Volume II             - Variables Psicológicas y Educativas para la intervención en el ámbito escolar. Volume III

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